Alexia Network Foundation Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Alexia Network Foundation proudly presents the ATASTOR Scholarship, a prestigious opportunity open to individuals passionate about making a positive impact through education. This scholarship is named after its commitment to Advancing Tomorrow's Achievers in Science, Technology, Outreach, and Research.

Eligibility: The AT ASTOR Scholarship is open to students from all walks of life, irrespective of academic major, background, or age. We believe in fostering a diverse community of scholars dedicated to creating a better future.

Awards: First Place: $1500 Second Place: $1000 These awards are designed to recognize and support outstanding individuals who demonstrate a commitment to excellence in their chosen fields and a passion for contributing to societal betterment.

Application Process: To apply for the ATASTOR Scholarship, candidates must visit our website and complete the online application form. The application process includes submitting a personal statement outlining academic achievements, future goals, and a brief essay on the applicant's vision for positive change in their community, Two Ideas about God, and the field of study.

Submission Deadline: All applications must be submitted by 10/07/2024 .

Selection Criteria: A distinguished panel of judges will evaluate each application based on academic merit, commitment to community service, essay, and the strength of the applicant's vision for the future. Furthermore, only the FIVE applicants selected for the scholarship will receive replies from The Alexia Network Foundation Board indicating they are our recipients.

Disbursement of Funds: The scholarship awards will be sent directly to the school of choice for the recipients, contributing to their educational journey and supporting their pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

About Alexia Network Foundation: The Alexia Network Foundation is committed to empowering individuals through education and believes in the potential of every student to create positive change. By offering the ATASTOR Scholarship, we aim to inspire and support the next generation of leaders, innovators, and societal contributors. Scholarship Search